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Know your property is protected with our guarantees

Happiness Guarantee

We believe in quality customer service. If, for any reason, you are unhappy with our service, we will work with you to make it right.

Results Guarantee

With our results guarantee, you don’t pay us until we show results! If we are leasing your property, we do all the work upfront, and you don’t pay us until you secure a qualified tenant. That means we aggressively market and show your property, screen tenants, handle all the paperwork, and perform a move-in property visit—all before we receive any payment.

Leasing Guarantee

Should the tenant fail to make twelve (12) rental payments for the initial lease, the Broker will apply a pro-rated refund from the last procurement, as applicable, towards the next procurement fee.

60 Day Rental Guarantee

If we are unable to lease your home at our agreed rental rate within 60 days or less, we will give you one month of management free!